Sunday, August 24, 2008

when we were small and christmas tree is tall

22 August

i attended my junior school gathering.
junior school.
friends which i knew them since i was 7 years old!

this time was organised by kenndaeson.
thanks for organising it.
appreciate it alot!!

we had the gathering at the cowboy.
besides that its also a farewell for wilson as he is leaving to canada with the gf.
aww! how sweet~

kenn, wilson and i were the earliest to reach.
then came melissa, jeffrey, jin yuan, kah wei, callen, yeoh min, kah yee and arvin
too bad soon keon cant make it as he has badminton final the next day =(
siti, nurliana, aine and farah dinah cant make it too ><

meeting up them really got my mind thinking back about childhood times

our carefree life back then
innocent mind
running here and there
no worries at all
as thou life is so nice

i miss those days

now we are all so grown up

talking about what course you taking, what you wanna do next time etc.

everyone are busy with their hectic lifestyle
but still,
we will always try to make it a point at least have a gathering once a year

the last gathering was at mid valley organised by callen
it was a great outing!

i'm looking forward for kenn's open house party! =D

p/s will upload the pics once i get it from kah wei

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